About AP Therapies
Andrea Plumb
Dulong, Sunshine Coast
Hi, I am Andrea Plumb, and I have been a qualified Remedial Therapist since 2001 after studying for four years. Since then I have continued my studies which has given me a wide variety of skills and knowledge with which to help people.
I feel the human body is a fascinating creation with a myriad of complexities and remedies. My work is my passion and I love helping people relieve their painful ailments.
The list of the therapies I can provide is an ever-expanding list because I am continuously attending courses and workshops in addition to studying resources from leaders in our field.
It’s great to get feedback from clients – I care about all of my clients at AP Therapies and am interested in feedback from them following treatment by me. So if you have been to see me, give me a call. I would love to hear how you are going.
Phone 0411 384 381 to book an appointment with Andrea at the Sunshine Coast clinic.
Andrea is an ANTA Accredited Remedial Therapist, holding membership since 2001.
- Biofield Tuning Fork Therapy 2023
- Onsen Technique – Structural and Functional Balancing 2009
- Dry Needling 2009
- Finch Therapy – Arthro-Neural Myofacilitation (2008)
- Dorn Spine and Joint Alignment Therapy (2008)
- Bowen Therapist – Fascial Kinetics (2006)
- Quantum Touch – Hands On Healing (2005)
- Structural Balancing Therapy (2002)
- Myofascial Release (2002)
- Neck Injuries – Cervical OrthoBionomy (2002)
- Jaw Alignment – TMJ Reset (2002)
- Sports & Deep Tissue Massage (1998)
- Swedish Relaxation Massage (1998)
- Magnet Biology (1996)
- Hands on Healing – Alpha Dynamics (1990)

Andrea Plumb
Dulong, Sunshine Coast
Natural Therapies Pages – Andrea Plumb.
Dorn Spine and Joint Therapy.